1. Fang Luan#, Peng Liu, Hongxin Ma, Xuetian Yue, Jun Liu, Lifen Gao, Xiaohong Liang, Chunhong Ma*. Reduced Nucleic ZHX2 Involves in Oncogenic Activation of Glypican 3 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2014 Oct; 55:129-135. (SCI, IF=4.24)
2. Xuehui Mao#, Bin Liu, Junguo Zhang, Shiqing Cheng, Yong Wang, Bingchang Zhang, Fang Luan*. Correlation of HBV protein preS2 with alpha-fetoprotein and Glypican 3 in hepatocellular cacinima. Oncology letters. (SCI, IF=1.5) 2016 Accept 栾芳#,刘华,刘斌,马春红*。系列截短和缺失的hTERT启动子报告载体的构建及活性验证 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志 2012年32卷04期309-314 (中华核心期刊)